2.11.2023 News Jere Vainio and Kaija Hinkula to be awarded grants for alumni residencies Jere Vainio and Kaija Hinkula, alumni of Uniarts Helsinki’s Academy of Fine Arts, have been selected to…
21.10-12.11.2023KCCC, Klaipeda, LithuaniaUnder Conditions / Henna Aho & Kaija Hinkulahttps://www.kkkc.lt/en/exhibitions/kaija-hinkula-and-henna-aho-duo-exhibition-under-conditions/ Under Conditions is a duo exhibition by contemporary artists artists Henna Aho & KaijaHinkula. Aho and Hinkula examine painting, its…
ON FURLOUGH – MY PARACOSMIC PLAYDATE REALITY SHOW / Salzburg Salzburg Summer Academy, Hohensalzburg Fortres Joining the group exhibition by artists by the workshop by Mette Sterre in the Fortress of Salzburg Friday5–9 pm Hohensalzburg FortressSaturday 10 am–1 pm Hohensalzburg Fortres…
CORNER / Woikka Contemporary
CORNER / Woikka Contemporary, Voikkaa FI3.7.-30.7.2023 Kaija Hinkula’s CORNER transforms Woikka Contemporary’s window spaces into a colorful spatial intervention. Hinkula has covered the windows with fabrics that form a color…
Painting as a ball game, shopping cart, and vent pipe / ESSAY by Eero Karjalainen
Painting as a ball game, shopping cart, and vent pipe An essay by Helsinki-based art critic Eero Karjalainen (FI) Notes on the fun of space and place in the paintings…
BOULDER STAR / Pragovka Gallery
26.5.-29.6.2023 Pragovka Gallery, Prague, CZ Kaija HinkulaBoulder Star Pragovka Gallery26.5.-29.6.2023Kolbenova 923/34aPrague,CZOpening 25.5. 6 pm Kurátor a autor textu / Curator and author of the text: Kristýna ŘeháčkováPřeklad / Translation: Eva…
Stargazer, my solo show in HAM Gallery Helsinki, featured in KubaParis blog : https://kubaparis.com/submission/284921
14.1. – 26.2.2023 HAM Gallery, Helsinki Helsingin Sanomat 20.2.2022 https://www.hs.fi/kulttuuri/art-2000009335381.html EN The solo exhibition of Kaija Hinkula, Stargazer, in the HAM Gallery presents new sides of the artist’s boundary-breaking expression. In recent…
Zoning19.11.2022–22.1.2023 Kristina BengtssonNiklas HallmanKaija HinkulaKevin Malcom Indefinite, without limit, forever.Määrittelemätön, rajaton, ikuinen. Lämpimästi tervetuloa näyttelyn avajaisiin perjantaina 18.11. klo 18–21! Avajaisissa esiintyy gem-K.Näyttely on avoinna 18.11.2022–22.1.2023 (suljettu välillä 19.12.–11.1.) You are…
During September 2022 I`m working in Serlachius residency Mänttä. The Serlachius Residency is a guest studio, maintained by Gösta Serlachius Fine Arts Foundation, for professionals of the creative sector working…